140 years ago
August 19, 1881
The favorable progress of President Garfield toward recovery was suddenly changed last Saturday, and since then the life of the great but patient sufferer has hung upon a very slender thread. It is fervently to be hoped that the brave man who has with such unusual courage baffled death for forty-odd days, may repulse the enemy in this renewed struggle, and come out victorious in the end.
The ladies of the Methodist church in Peabody have taken the initiatory steps toward the erection of a parsonage in the place. That assures the building. The ladies never fail in such undertakings.
Wednesday was the hottest day of the season. The thermometer registered from one hundred and two to one hundred and ten in the shade, and the oppressive heat was intensified and made more unbearable by a hot wind from the south.
Charlie Grimes killed a mad dog, Monday, at the residence of Mrs. Tubbs.
The handsome new Methodist church in this place will be dedicated one week from nest Sunday, or on Sunday, Aug. 28th. Rev. Dr. Jackson, pastor of the Grand Avenue Methodist church, in Kansas City, will conduct the dedicatory services, and those who hear him will enjoy a feast of the soul. The pews, pulpit, chandeliers, carpets, and other furniture and fixtures, are on hand and are being placed in position.
The smoke from the new brick kiln ascendeth to the skies, and work will soon resume upon the buildings which are awaiting.
The Marion Centre Board of Trade is a regular chartered institution, designed to advance the interests of the town. It starts with most of the enterprising, influential business men of the place. Its circle should be enlarged by the addition of every live man in the city. There seems to be a general determination on the part of our people to make Marion Centre what it is capable of being made and which we believe it will be madeāthe largest and best town in central Kansas.
Last modified Aug. 19, 2021