• Last modified 1024 days ago (Oct. 7, 2021)


october 7, 1881

Prairie schooners pass through daily, some being filled with emigrants who have come west to grow up with the country, and others with forlorn immigrants going back to wife’s folks.

The second growth of sorghum is said to be fatal to cattle eating it.

James Myers has his oyster restaurant in full blast, and is serving those delicious dishes in fine style. Oysters by the can, forty-five and fifty-five cents—ten cents cheaper than last year.

Mr. B. Fanning will be in Marion Centre to-morrow (Saturday) with a fine lot of high grade cows, calves and also some ‘Cotswold sheep, which he will offer for sale. Remember this, reader.

Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Mamie Hollensbe, of this city, to a Mr. Orr, of Ohio, we believe. We seriously object to Buckeye boys coming out here and capturing our best young ladies, but then we reckon it can’t be prevented this time, and so the happy event will occur at the residence of Mr. J.H. Buchanan next Thursday.

A splendid, gentle rain descended upon this part of the footstool Tuesday night.

Work on the Court House is progressing rapidly. The court room, which, by the way, is large and handsome, is nearly ready for the furniture. The lower rooms, or officers’ quarters, are also progressing satisfactorily. Marion County will soon have a creditable court house, with good comfortable quarters for its officers, and a safe place for its records. As we have before stated, the present contract is only for the completion of the new part of the building, and only costs one half of the five thousand dollars voted by the people. We suppose the contract will soon be let to remodel the old part of the building, and furnish the needed jail facilities.

Last modified Oct. 7, 2021