• Last modified 1061 days ago (Dec. 9, 2021)


december 9, 1881

The pie party given by the Ladies Aid Society at the residence of J.R. Carter last Tuesday night was very largely attended. The pies were also numerously present.

A committee, Rev. Chas. Mitchell, Judge Chas. Bowron, and Prof. Ed Coles, was appointed to sample the pies and award the premiums.

In a calm, unbiased manner, befitting culinary experts, they proceeded to their task, and after mature mastication, announced their verdict:

Mince pie, first premium, Mrs. Myers; second premium, Miss Wakefield.

Pumpkin pie, first premium, Mrs. Carter; second premium, Mrs. Barrows.

John Aumann is having some handsome stone hitching posts put up in front of his shop.

The Methodists will soon have the best wooden sidewalk in town on both sides of their church.

A teacher’s examination will be held in the school building at Marion on Saturday, the 24th inst. Commencing at 9 o’clock sharp. It is desired that applicants be in attendance promptly at the opening hour and they should come supplied with material for work. T.A. Bogle, Co. Supt.

The Presbyterian church in this place has a blind sexton—Mr. Cross. With the aid of a little girl to lead him around, he seems able to perform his duties satisfactorily.

We notice some nice new flagstone accumulating in front of Strom’s, on Main street, which means some substantial sidewalks along there. Let the good work go on.

Santa Claus will have to hustle around pretty lively if he distributes all the nice things from the stores of Marion.

Last modified Dec. 9, 2021