• Last modified 884 days ago (Feb. 23, 2022)


February 24, 1882

The “oldest inhabitant” has again been compelled to admit that he “never seen anything like it.” We refer to that thunder and lightning phenomenon last Sunday night. It had been intensely cold the preceding Saturday night, all day Sunday and up to two o’clock Sunday night, when the celestial bombardment began. The wind veered to the southwest, the atmosphere grew suddenly warmer, and for about half and hour the flashes of lightning were exceedingly brilliant, and the peals of thunder frequent and loud. The ground was covered with snow and the vivid lightning presented a strange and weird sight to those who witnessed it. In a short time the pyrotechnics ceased, the warm wave departed, and King Winter again clasped all nature in his cold embrace.

Dickinson county is in the incipient stages of the nastiest kind of a county seat contest. We pity the people up there.

The masquerade ball at Rogers hall Wednesday evening was well attended and a perfect success. The characters were, as a rule, well selected and carried out. Among those especially worth of mention were Mesdames Roberts, Rouse, Baker, and Miss Oda Sheridan and Messrs. George and Thos. Roberts, Jno. Funk, Robt. Baker, Elisha Shreve, and Will Bagby.

The commissioners accepted and paid for the jail Wednesday. They also let the contract to Hoops & Lewis for a stone arch bridge over Spring branch on the Marion and Peabody road.

The supper at the Whipple school house last week was a big success. The attendance was large, the supper excellent, and the net proceeds thirty-odd dollars.

Last modified Feb. 23, 2022