• Last modified 747 days ago (Jan. 5, 2023)


jan. 11, 1878

The silver wedding anniversary of President and Mrs. Hayes was celebrated at the White House on the evening of the 31st. It was a quiet and sociable affair, those present being mostly relatives and old friends of the family.

Centre House, under the management of Levi Billings, is winning compliments on every side. It is a neatly, nicely kept house.

The commissioners met in regular session last Monday. After transacting business of the county, they adjourned to continue their search for U.S. marshals who were supposed to be somewhere in these parts.

One of Stonewall Jackson’s soldiers now resides in Fairplay Township. He was a member of the guard that fired a fatal shot at the general at Chancellorsville.

The band serenaded Henry Kable and bride at their cozy home last Wednesday night.

L.F. Keller has one of the best legal libraries in this district and has a very large part of it in his head. Studious and clear-headed, he has won an enviable position not only at the bar of the county, but of the state.

The boys have been having a fine time skating this past week. We have no desire to commit suicide and hence haven’t been on the ice ourself.

Charlie Mehl will open a new butcher shop next week in the commodious basement of his brother John’s new building. Charlie understands the business.

Last modified Jan. 5, 2023