• Last modified 727 days ago (Jan. 18, 2023)


JAN. 25, 1878

Behold those stones accumulating east of the Muddy Creek bridge, and then say that we won’t soon have a sidewalk connecting the east and west parts of the town.

The mail coach between here and Florence broke an axle last Tuesday and was delayed in reaching the hub several hours in consequence.

An examination of teachers will be held tomorrow, and several pedagogues’ hearts are palpitating with rapid pulsations.

Mr. and Mrs. Keller, after a week’s bridal tour, have returned and are receiving the congratulations of friends.

The prettiest, nicest, and best periodical for children known to us is the “Nursery,” a monthly magazine published by John L. Shorey, Western News Co., Chicago. It is a perfect little gem of a pamphlet of 30-odd pages.

That hog which we mentioned last week, belonging to William Russell of Wilson Township, has since been killed. It weighed 760 pounds net. If anybody in this county has a larger pig than that, let him “spoke out.”

Snow is nearly all gone, and roads are in a worse condition than ever before. High water kept the mail in Peabody over Saturday, but it came up Sabbath morning.

Last modified Jan. 18, 2023