• Last modified 527 days ago (Feb. 15, 2023)


feb. 22, 1878

Delivery of wheat at Wichita has been almost entirely stopped by the miserable condition of roads. Recently, four-horse teams were stalled in a big slough west of the city with only moderate loads.

Cottonwood Valley Bank is putting on airs. Jack Widmeyer has been busy for a week with his ready brush, and now the oldest acquaintance would hardly know the place.

A peddler of patent medicines passed through town Wednesday. He was disgusted with Kansas. Says it’s too healthy for his business.

We noticed some of the large school boys amusing themselves the other day, throwing stones at a nice fence that encircles our beautiful school premises. It may have done them a great deal of good, but it was not the best thing in the world for the fence. We don’t want to be hard on the boys, but we are proud of that school and its surroundings, and don’t like to see any part of it mutilated.

A den of snakes has been discovered, and many of the reptiles killed, near Rhodes Spring in east Marion Centre — or, rather, the old Moore Spring, which issues from the east bank of Muddy Creek near the school premises. Several of them made their appearance too early in the season, and thus revealed their hiding place.

Last modified Feb. 15, 2023