145 years ago
March 8, 1878
Population of Marion County by census in 1870 was 768. In 1875, by official enumeration, it was 5,907. The increase in five years was 5,139. Population in 1876 was 6,579, an increase in one year of 672. This year’s enumeration will probably show a population between 7,000 and 8,000. Our county’s growth has been very rapid, and yet of a permanent substantial character. There will be no backward steps.
We need scarcely remind lovers that there is a new moon.
Covered wagons, covered wagons, covered wagons! They whiten the roads like snow. Everyone must be moving to Kansas.
Geo. Carpenter, who is farming Tom Smith’s place near Antelope, killed a rattlesnake last week that had seven rattles.
About 25 Canadians will arrive here in a few days to locate near Marion Centre. There are no better citizens than the many families of Canadians already located near here, and we gladly welcome others, confident that they will be fine additions to this section of the county.
No sooner is peace declared in Europe than war breaks out simultaneously in Marion Centre and Florence. Three fisticuffs in one week!
To the numerous class of farmers who leave their farm implements in the fields when their fall work is done, we would suggest that they may shortly have trouble finding their implements if they don’t hunt them up now. Grass and weeds are growing.