145 years ago
march 15, 1878
When the book borrower comes around now, you truthfully can answer, “It is Lent.”
We desire to call particular attention to the offer made in another column by Major Bown. He has 40 town lots in Marion Centre, which he proposes to give to parties who will erect buildings upon them. This is a move in the right direction. It is the way to build up a town. Let parties who want to build consult Major Bown.
John Mehl is having the third story of his magnificent stone building finished.
There are more dogs in this town than are absolutely necessary for the good of the community.
A snowstorm blockades the railroads in the northwest. We should not be surprised if a whiff of it wafts down here yet.
Three New Yorkers were in town this week looking up a location. They think the Cottonwood Valley surpasses anything they have seen and probably will locate near Marion Centre.
The card of the Centre House will be found in another column. Mr. Billings has demonstrated the fact that the county seat will support a first-class hotel, and as that is what he keeps, we are pleased to learn that he is meeting with success. Our Peabody friends will find it a comfortable place to stop at when in Marion Centre.—Peabody Gazette.
Last modified March 8, 2023