145 years ago
march 22, 1878
Marion County has 2,613 children of school age. More than 60 school buildings, averaging in value $1,000 each, are already erected. Emigrants, make a note of this.
Three families of Indianans, relatives of Mr. Waddle who recently located in Clear Creek, have arrived and will likewise make their home among us. We welcome all newcomers.
A new business alliance is announced in our advertising columns today. Stephen Jex and Tomas Groat will hereafter constitute a firm. They are well known as the boss stone cutters of this region.
Levi Billings has rented his farm and some other lands to S. Halsey, V.R. Miller, and E.S. Crisfield of New York, who have taken possession and gone to work in a way that looks like business. We wish them the success they seem determined to achieve.
Let everyone do something to improve the town by doing something to improve their homes. All can clean up their premises, set out a few trees, and cultivate a few flowers. All can do that. Let those who are able paint their houses, build fences, and adorn their premises in every way possible. Everyone who does what he can in this way not only makes home happier but is a public benefactor. Every one can do something to contribute to this growing sentiment of town pride, and they owe it to themselves and to the town to do that something, whatever it may be.
Last modified March 16, 2023