• Last modified 592 days ago (June 29, 2023)


july 12, 1878

A few days ago, two stock-men found two human skeletons 40 miles south of Kinsley on the Medicine. A bullet hole was found in the skull of one. The victims died with their boots on. Nearby were the skeletons of two ponies. They had been dead perhaps two years. Whether a civilized murder or Indian massacre will perhaps never be known.

Fred Lewis is now proprietor of a new steam threshing machine, to which fact he would have us call the attention of farmers. Give Fred a job if you want your grain threshed just right.

A recent importation of $500 in Mexican money, silver dollars and half dollars, is circulating around Marion Centre.

The unanimous thanks of this great establishment is hereby tendered to Col. Bates for some nice, large blackberries raised on his place.

The board of county commissioners at its meeting July 1, 1878, ordered the adoption of a law providing for a bounty on wolf, coyote, wildcat, fox, and rabbit scalps for the period of one year from July 12, 1878. Bounties: Wolf, wildcat, or fox scalps (two ears each), $1. Each rabbit scalp, 6 cents.

A.E. Case has had ripe apples, large and delicious, since July 1, grown in his yard.

Last modified June 29, 2023