• Last modified 544 days ago (Aug. 17, 2023)


aug. 23, 1878

The unterrified Greenbackers of the 3rd Congressional District met in convention in the “Garden of the West” at Florence last Thursday. There were 30 delegates present.

Sam Wood was present in full force, like an army with banners, as it were. Frank Doster succeeded in getting away with the baggage on the second ballot, the vote standing.

Col. Bates was attacked with vertigo on the convention grounds at Florence last Tuesday. An application of cold water to his head soon revived him, and he was able to drive home all right.

Mr. J.C. Hamilton walked right into this office Wednesday and boldly laid on our table a dozen of as fine free-stone peaches as one could wish to see.

He had several hundred, perhaps a thousand just like them. Talk about Kansas not being a fruit country!

Will Bates expects to enter John Mehl’s store about the 1st as salesman. Will is one of the most popular clerks in the county.

Wheat is not yielding so well per acres as was thought when harvested. Wheat yields vary heavily.

Mr. J.A. Jones has secured an eight months school term at Antelope. We believe this is his second term there. Mr. Jones has the reputation of a successful teacher.

Two phrenologists have been feeling craniums recently in Marion Centre. They gave the town a better character than is accorded it by the Florence Herald.

Last modified Aug. 17, 2023