• Last modified 515 days ago (Sept. 14, 2023)


sept. 20, 1878

A good shoemaker can find a splendid location in Marion Centre.

Work is actively progressing on a bridge over the Cottonwood River at the foot of 1st St., Marion Centre. People on the south of town will hail the completion of the structure with delight.

A farmer living about four miles southwest of Abilene, not relishing the idea of his peaches being stolen, poisoned a few, and a neighbor’s boys are now very sick from eating thereof.

R.C. Coble has remodeled his house till an old acquaintance would hardly know the place. Since he moved in, the house has been pointed, porches painted, green shutters put up at all the windows, a handsome dormer window built in front, and now the unfurnished rooms are being plastered.

Besides these improvements, the yard has been adorned with trees and shrubbery, a well has been bored, stable built, and partial preparations already made for enclosing the premises with a neat picket fence. It is a handsome and comfortable home.

Married, at the residence of the bride’s parents in Wilson Township on Sept. 18 by the Rev. C.H. Wareham, Wm. L. Hall of Lacon, Illinois to Lina Westbrook of Marion County.

Our best and warmest wishes are extended this couple on the voyage of life they have started out on. May disappointment and trouble never appear as thorns in their pathway.

Last modified Sept. 14, 2023