• Last modified 458 days ago (Oct. 26, 2023)


nov. 8, 1878

We didn’t see nor hear of a drunken man in Marion Centre on election day. This is not such an awful bad set of people after all.

John Wendell took a rather rapid ride up Main St. last Monday. A team got the upper hand of him and lit out, running pall mall into the shed of Jack Costello’s livery stable, piling John in an undignified heap on the stone pavement, without serious injury, however, we are glad to say. But what made the blood curdle in the veins of a host of spectators was a little girl who stood only a few feet from the pathway of the vehicle, seeming unconscious of danger.

Somebody ought to start a working girls party. It is next to impossible to get a girl to do housework in this community.

Mr. Scully of Illinois, son of the gentleman who owns 30,000 acres of land in Marion County, is out looking up their interests.

Madame Gost of Florence will open a fine stock of ladies fall and winter hats at Mrs. Tamiet’s store next Thursday and invites the ladies of Marion Centre and vicinity to call and examine her stock. Madame Gost thinks of purchasing Mrs. Tamiet’s stock and running the store here sometime next spring.

Last modified Oct. 26, 2023