• Last modified 438 days ago (Nov. 30, 2023)


dec. 6, 1878

Before another number of the Record is issued, the people of Centre Township will have expressed their will at the polls concerning the Marion and McPherson Railroad project. The larger the majority next Tuesday the better. It will have a big influence in McPherson County.

Marion Centre, as a town, is far behind its surrounding country. This is a better condition than the average town is in, but we would like to see the town catch up with the country, and we will see it as soon as the railroad comes.

John Mehl has considerable to say in this issue, and all that he says in important. Mr. Mehl has a fine building, a big stock, and good clerks, and always has done a good business here. Continued success to you, John.

The parties who took about $3 worth of tableware from the Good Templers’ supper are requested to return them. There are 14 soup plates, 8 saucers, 4 cups, and 3 teaspoons missing.

Nearly all the schools of Marion County are now in session. Every pupil of proper age and in good health should be at school as much as possible. Parents should see to this. A good education is worth more to a pupil than all the wealth that you can give him.

Last modified Nov. 30, 2023