145 years ago
dec. 20, 1878
The weather in
“Sunny” Kansas has grown quite changeable of late, and we can now get up a snowstorm equal to any civilized country on short notice.
John and Charlie Mehl have secured considerable ice already. It is about six inches thick.
The Sabbath School under “father” Mullineaux’s superintendency is doing well. But there is room for more pupils and teachers.
Hogs are selling in Marion Centre at 1¾ cents.
This office turned out complete in one week a 70-page brief in addition to the other usual work of the office. And the foreman and editor did it all with their little hands. If any office in the state can show as good a record, let it proceed to show.
“Magnesia Mound” is the name the Groat Bros. have given their splendid stone quarry near Marion Centre.
Everyone is invited to attend a Christmas tree entertainment Christmas Eve at the Risley schoolhouse in Gnadenau. Admittance and use of tree will be free to all. This is the school taught by Willie Groat, and we hope that some or many of his Marion Centre friends will go out Christmas Eve.
Rabbit hunting seems to be the order of the day at present, and a hunter that cannot bag a dozen rabbits an hour is expected to take a back seat.
Last modified Dec. 14, 2023