• Last modified 376 days ago (Jan. 11, 2024)


jan. 17, 1879

The Chicago Inter-Ocean and a troop of lesser journalistic lights are advocating the withdrawal of the gold dollar. They say it is so small that it is a nuisance. We decline to take any part in the discussion until we see one of the things. Unlike most of these other fellows, we want to know what we are talking about before we talk.

Sam T. Howe will build a handsome stone house on the hill in the spring.

Mr. E.W. Connick, the champion rabbit scalper of the county, came in Saturday with 152 more scalps. This makes 262 scalps he has brought in since this snow fell. Connick is old business.

The portly form of Judge Ruggles helped to fill the vacuum in our office Tuesday.

Five weeks ago today the snow that still mantles the earth fell. For five long weeks, there has scarcely been a perceptible thaw but on the contrary a continual freezing temperature had prevailed until yesterday, when it moderated slightly.

A package in a basket was left on the doorstep of a cautious Newport, Rhode Island, woman who, having no desire to adopt a foundling, took the basket to a police station and then found that it contained a 20-pound turkey.

Last modified Jan. 11, 2024