145 years ago
March 14, 1879
We can no longer boast that Marion Centre has never lost a house by fire.
The first fire resulting in destruction of a building in this town broke out last Wednesday afternoon in Charlie Mehl’s slaughter house on the edge of town.
It consumed that building and also an old house adjoining that was used as a granary. The roof of the city calaboose caught fire and was badly damaged before it was extinguished.
John Mehl’s residence narrowly escaped.
Considerable excitement is being stirred up in the west part of the county over a new town to be started in Risley Township.
As stated by our Risley correspondent last week, quite a number of the American residents of the township are preparing to move up to the town when it is platted, and we also hear of businessmen from Peabody and other points getting ready to go out there and embark in business.
When the town is laid out, we shall go out there and write it up fully. In the meantime, we say success to Hill City.
C.C. Bailey has purchased the Centre House in this place from Professor Potter and will take possession very soon with Mr. Billings, the present host, returning to his fine suburban farm and to his extensive land and banking business.
Bailey is an old hotel man, and we believe will fully meet the wants of this community in that line.
Last modified March 6, 2024