• Last modified 310 days ago (April 4, 2024)


april 11, 1879

Cheyenne Indians are reported to again be on the warpath in western Kansas. Now let the government wait until a dozen or so families have been murdered and then send out a peace commissioner to make terms with them, and supply them with the usual amount of firearms, ammunition, etc.

All our carpenters and stone masons are as busy as bees. Numbers have been imported from other towns, and even Kentucky has sent her quota. Still, we want more.

Those parties who borrowed 700 feet of flooring, 500 feet of fencing boards, etc., from the courthouse are requested to return the same, as they are needed.

The steep hill on E. Main St. is being improved. This has been one of the worst hills in the county for teams.

A train of prairie schooners camped near town last Sunday. They were from Linn County on their way to Leadville.

Henry Kable, the boss carpenter, has commenced erection of a shop, 20 by 40 feet, on Santa Fe St., west of his residence.

Last modified April 4, 2024