• Last modified 303 days ago (April 18, 2024)


april 25, 1879

The Topeka Commonwealth gives currency to a report that Cheyenne Indians are again on the warpath and going in the direction of western Kansas.

The thriving new western town of Kinsley was nearly destroyed by fire last Sunday. Will it be Marion Centre’s turn next? If it should, where are the ladders, where are the walls, where is anything to stop a fire?

M. Shupe, who was out here last year and purchased at that time 1,120 acres of land near Lincolnville, has arrived with five others and wilt at once commence operations on the farm on an extensive scale.

Someone estimates that 25 emigrant wagons passed through town each day last week. The estimate is probably too high, but the number was certainly very large, and thus it is all the time.

A change will be observed in John Mehl’s advertisement today. Mr. Mehl has a fine store and a fine turn of trade. We always like to see evidences of prosperity among our townsmen, and we congratulate Mr. Mehl upon his uninterrupted success since he had been in Marion Centre.

Lee Fife of Branch, one of the cleverest fellows in the business, laid his hand in ours Monday.

Last modified April 18, 2024