• Last modified 248 days ago (June 12, 2024)


june 20, 1879

Preparations are being made for a grand celebration of this great national holiday in Billings’ Park, Marion Centre, and the people of the entire county are cordially invited to come and spend the day in the prettiest park in state. It is still confidently believed by many that the cars will run in here by that time. Able speakers will elevate the eagle.

School closes today.

People like to be kept posted as to the progress of the M&M, and we are happy to inform them that a very large force is at work all along the line in Marion County, and the whole of the grading in this county will probably be done before the end of this month. The M&M is booming, gentlemen.

Since our last issue, several refreshing rains have visited this section, and as we go to press the glorious rain is still descending. Crops are booming.

The Florence school will give an entertainment in the stone church in that city this night, to which the people of Marion Centre are cordially invited. From what I hear, it will be an entertainment worth a drive from here to attend.

Last modified June 12, 2024