145 years ago
july 27, 1879
Dr. Rogers’ fine new business block nears completion. The doctor will occupy the south room with a drug store.
Ira Moore, son of “Lank” Moore, is living here again with his family. Ira has the distinction of being the first settler born in Marion County. That event occurred May 7, 1862.
A beautiful plat of ground south and southeast of the schoolhouse soon will be laid off into lots. It will be a handsome place for residences and no doubt will give impetus to growth in that part of town.
Messrs. Buchanan and Shambaugh have moved into their new home, the nice residence recently purchased from Judge Peters.
We understand that Corbett and Bown are preparing to erect a fine business building on the corner of Main and 4th Sts., opposite the Bank of Marion Centre. It is a fine location, and we shall be glad to see that corner adorned with a nice building and occupied by this enterprising firm.
“Jim Town” is what the boys call the new settlement out in the suburbs where Bob Baker, Fred Lewis and Jack Griffith have located.
Last modified July 18, 2024