• Last modified 179 days ago (Aug. 15, 2024)


aug. 22, 1879

Trains will run regularly on the M&M to Marion Centre after next Sunday. This is sooner than our people expected and will be highly appreciated.

Messrs. Carney and Salisbury, professional map makers, are in town and will make a map of Marion Centre if they get sufficient encouragement, which we earnestly hope they will. We shall have more to say about this matter next week.

Mr. McInturff is here with his photograph gallery, ready for business. He will remain only for a short time, and parties who wish him to help them to see themselves as others see them should call at once. His gallery is back of L.F. Keller’s law office.

Mrs. L.W. Perkins would inform the ladies of Marion Centre and vicinity that she is agent for the State of Kansas in teaching the latest and unrivalled Tailors’ system of cutting all kinds of ladies and children’s garments.

She also will fit dresses, cut patterns, etc., warranting a perfect fit in all cases or money refunded.

Mrs. Perkins can be found by enquiring of J.H. Costello or of Mrs. Tamiet.

Last modified Aug. 15, 2024