• Last modified 177 days ago (Aug. 22, 2024)


aug. 29, 1879

Mr. McInturff, the new photographer, has taken some very fine views of scenery around here.

Morse’s lumber yard assumes an air of business with the genial Carter as salesman.

We can’t begin to “keep run” of the new houses springing up like magic all over town.

The large upper room of the school house has been partitioned and 60 feet of blackboard put in.

Mr. Crane has purchased the house where Bid McCrary lives and will raze the walls and make a stone house out of it.

Wm. G. Bates, the popular proprietor of the Peanut Stand, claims the honor of receiving the first general freight over the M& M.

The new 80-acre addition to the city of Marion Centre on the south adds some fine property to the corporation.

It includes the depot. Several lots surrounding it already have selected for business purposes such as coal yards etc. Crossing the creek, it takes in a fine body of land on the hill, desirable for residence locations. It is a fine addition and would make a pretty good sized town itself.

Last modified Aug. 22, 2024