• Last modified 157 days ago (Sept. 11, 2024)


sept. 19, 1879

A.W. Robinson, founder of the first paper in Marion County, is a candidate for register of deeds in Jefferson County. He established the Western News in Marion Centre in the fall of 1870. The Record, which is but a continuation of the enterprise, wishes him success in his present candidacy.

Lumber for the depot has arrived.

The newest addition on the streets is Monohon’s delivery wagon. It is nice. And it was made in Marion Centre, too. Doc Cline did the woodwork; James McAlister, the ironwork; and Jack Widmeyer painted it.

Infant twins left by the late Mrs. G.C. Coble have both joined her in the spirit world.

Telegraph poles are up between Florence and Marion Centre. Considering the fact that many good railroad towns, such as El Dorado, have no telegraphic connection, Marion Centre is justifiable in feeling a little “stuck up” just now. There’s nothing like living on a great trans-continental railroad, you see.

Winter approaches. We know it by the large loads of stoves being received by hardware men.

Last modified Sept. 11, 2024