• Last modified 1034 days ago (April 14, 2022)


april 25, 2007

Onlookers were delighted with the original prom attire worn Saturday evening by Marion High School seniors Jason Hett and Erin Richmond, pictured on the front page. Seniors Dusty Britton and Danielle Cope were named prom king and queen.

Physician Kim Hall will be leaving her practice at Marion Family Physicians effective June 2, 2007. All of her records will remain at Marion Family Physicians. Don Hodson, MD and Karen Wheeler, ARNP, will continue to care for patients at the clinic.

An open house May 1 at Central National Bank will honor Greg Bowers for 30 years in banking.

Dale and Tootsie Snelling were guests of honor Friday at a retirement reception at Marion County Courthouse. Snelling has been superintendent at Marion County Park and Lake for more than 40 years. They will retire in May.

Misti Richmond of Marion has been selected as an Emporia State University ambassador. Richmond is a 2006 graduate of Marion High School and the daughter of Tim and Robin Richmond of Marion.

Four MHS records of accomplishment were broken this past weekend at the KU Relays. Three relay teams and the long jump set the records.

Last modified April 14, 2022