june 20, 2007
The fine arts center for the Marion school district is more evident than ever now with the erection at the location of steel beams standing 40 feet tall. The project is due to be completed in November.
Many farmers are expecting to finish complete wheat harvest today or tomorrow, with yields far below normal.
After 25 years as an instrumental music educator in the Marion school district, Mike Connell will be leaving his post to become band director at Goessel High School. Connell will begin his job in the fall.
Two Marion County youths recently had the privilege of posing with Wichita State University baseball coach Gene Stephenson. Tyler Arocha and Seth Savage posed with Stephenson during the WSU baseball camp at Eck Stadium. Tyler’s parents are Joe and Robin Arocha of Marion, and Seth’s parents are Randy and Kelli Savage of Florence.
Flaming’s Inc. is recipient of the 2007 City of Marion Outstanding Business Award. Pictured employees include Ben Steketee, Jason Harms, Josh Reese, Jody Burke, Shirley Groening, Dale Geis, owner Merle Flaming, Tyler Richmond, Tim Christensen, Joel Thomas, Wendy Steele, Johnny Gilkey, Ron Winter, Adam Trapp, and Terrill Bruton.
Last modified June 9, 2022