• Last modified 702 days ago (March 9, 2023)


March 12, 2008

Monday’s Marion County Commission meeting began with a bang when a lake resident Gordon Pendergraft asked the commission for information regarding a development proposed by Jim and Debra Whitfill.

Marion High School students will present “The Curious Savage” Friday and Saturday at the performing arts center. Student actors pictured include Brett Billings, Lucy Collett, Kara Druse, Danae Edwards, Matt Fine, Zach Helmstead, Brady Hudson, Cassy Legg, Amber Ratzloff, and Adam Svoboda.

More than $5,500 was raised Friday evening and Sunday afternoon when nearly 70 people participated in Big Brothers Big Sisters of Marion County’s Bowl for Kids’ Sake at SherBowl Lanes.

Marion High School senior Chase Carlson signed a letter of intent Monday with the Bethel Threshers to play cornerback for the college’s football team.

Marion High School graduate Amanda Steiner was crowned Ms. Wheelchair Kansas 2008 Sunday at the Holiday Inn Holidome in Topeka. Amanda became a quadriplegic in a February 1999 car accident. Her parents are Perry and Barb Steiner of Marion.

A feature by Rowena Plett tells of Jesse Brunner of Tampa and his three children, all certified emergency medical technicians.

Last modified March 9, 2023