• Last modified 618 days ago (June 8, 2023)


june 11, 2008

Marion County commissioners approved an across-the-board $75 per month pay raise for all full-time county employees beginning with the July pay period. The commission will address pay increases for permanent part-time employees later.

Rachel Kostner became Marion’s first indoor aquatics director June 2. Kostner will oversee day-to-day operations of the pool.

Brenda Odgers, former Clifton-Clyde High School principal, will begin her duties Aug. 1 as principal of Marion High School.

Adam Regnier, senior at Marion High School attended Boys State June 1 to 7 on the campus of Kansas State University, Manhattan. Regnier’s parents are Doug and Michele Regnier.

Rural Florence resident Linda Allison was elected May 20 to the board of directors for Marion County Hospital District No. 1.

Marion High School graduate Travis Hett was named to the winter/spring All-Jayhawk Conference academic team. Hett, one of 29 Hutchinson Community College students honored, earned the award as a member of the golf team with a 3.50 grade point average. His parents are Aaron and Lanell Hett of Marion.

Marion Lions Club president David Branson is pictured as he presents Dreux Schwaiger of Wichita a best of show trophy Saturday from the Marion Lions Club annual car show.

Last modified June 8, 2023