Oct. 1, 2008
If Marion County Hospital District No. 1 follows recommendations from architects, construction and major renovation could be in St. Luke Hospital’s future.
Centre homecoming candidates are Sheila Makovec, Leann Pankratz, Danielle Tajchman, Brandon Albrecht, Konley Harding, and Nathan Barney. Coronation of the king and queen will be Friday at Cougar Field.
Carlsons’ Grocery recently received awards for growth and increase in purchases and significant new investment in their business at the 77th annual Affiliated Foods Midwest Fall Food Show at Omaha.
Expectations are for an excellent harvest of fall crops. According to Mike Thomas, manager of Cooperative Grain and Supply elevator in Marion, the facility has received approximately 91,500 bushels of milo, 1,193 bushels of soybeans, 313,078 bushels of corn, and 9,482 bushels of sunflowers.
A Hereford market steer belonging to Katey Ehrlich of Marion placed sixth at Sept. 19 to 22 at Kansas Junior Livestock Show at Kansas Coliseum, Wichita.
About 225 staff members, students, and family members were in attendance Sept. 23 at a Family Fun Night at the Sports and Aquatics Center. Activities included swimming, jumping rope, playing Twister, walking, and dancing.
Last modified Sept. 28, 2023