• Last modified 213 days ago (July 18, 2024)


july 22, 2009

An article by Rowena Plett tells how air conditioning didn’t exist in private homes until around the 1950s. The article provides accounts of several people’s memories before its arrival.

Marion Senior Center notes tell that the center’s van took 12 women July 9 to Crown Uptown Dinner Theatre in Wichita to see “Disney’s High School Musical.” Leonard Klassen drove the van.

4-H’er Elizabeth Meyer of rural Tampa is pictured as she unfolds wings of a butterfly in preparation to display it in her entomology exhibit at Marion County Fair.

A steel bridge that once spanned the Cottonwood River south of Marion Reservoir on Pawnee Rd. may have been removed, but its memory lives on in the form of a machine shed on the Dwight Kruse farmstead northwest of Marion. Kruse bought the bridge, and he and his son, Jason, are using its parts in building a “bridge shed.”

Kaelyn Thierolf is pictured as she helps 4-year-old Chance Shults practice kicking during swimming lessons at the Sports and Aquatic Center.

Last modified July 18, 2024