• Last modified 1283 days ago (Jan. 21, 2021)


january 24, 1996

Hundreds of Kansans converged on the state Capitol at Topeka Monday for a “Rally for Life.” Marion County Chapter of Kansans for Life sent seven adults and 21 teen-agers to the rally which was held on the 23rd anniversary of the United States Supreme Court’s decision making abortions legal (Roe vs. Wade).

More than 70 Florence residents attended a town meeting Sunday to visit with Marion Unified School District officials and members of the Board of Education about building needs in the district.

School board members attending were Dan Holub, Chris Costello, Rex Savage, and Janice Waner. Members of a committee appointed by the City of Florence to research the issue and work with the board were Del Leeds, Pat Zogelman, Gayle Scriven, and Joe Heath.

Steven Waner won first place in Marion Elementary School spelling bee Jan. 17. Stacia Williams was runner-up. Both are students of Michelle Flaming. The countywide spelling bee will be Feb. 7.

Julie Sellers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sellers of Florence, who is working on her master’s degree in Spanish literature at Kansas State University, has been awarded a Rotary International Scholarship to study at the University of Santiago de Compostele in Spain. She will leave for Spain in August.

Koch Crime Commission Director Steve Davies is pictured as he speaks to Kiwanians Monday on the role communities could play to reduce and prevent crime.

Last modified Jan. 21, 2021