25 years ago
february 14, 1996
An open house will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Feb. 24 at the new police station on North Fifth St. Marion police officers are inviting the public to drop by for a friendly visit, no arrests necessary. Coffee and donuts will be served.
Centre Junior High student Jordan Krause won the annual Marion County spelling bee Feb. 7. Brad Shaw of Peabody Middle School finished second and Danielle Reed of Peabody Elementary School was third.
Pronouncers were Martha Krispense and Sherry Groening. Judges were Pauline Edmunds, Joni Crofoot, and Vivian Conyers.
Resident of the Month at Hilltop Manor is Fern Bernhardt. The mother of 10, she will celebrate her 85th birthday Feb. 21. She is the only resident at Hilltop Manor who has lived there since the complex opened in 1971.
Tabor College will host an open house and reception Feb. 24 of the Paul W. Wohlgemuth Hymnal Collection and a newly donated 10-piece collection of glass art by Peter Penner.
Bill Griffith, Chuck Maggard, and Jason Wheeler, their parents, and Warrior coach Grant Thierolf are pictured as the boys sign letters of intent to play football with the Emporia State University Hornets.
Lillian Pierce, 98, former Marion County Register of Deeds, died Feb. 6 following a short illness. She was well known in Marion County and highly regarded by all those she served during her long career in public office.
Brad Tice, son of Martin and Margaret Tice of Marion, graduated in December at the University of Kansas with a doctorate in pharmacy degree. He is managing an Osco Pharmacy in Davenport, Iowa.
Last modified Feb. 11, 2021