• Last modified 1284 days ago (March 3, 2021)


march 6, 1996

Browning-Ferris Industries presented a formal written proposal to the Marion County Commission, in session Friday, to spell out in general terms what they intend to do if they purchase a privately-owned landfill and nearby property southwest of Marion. No decisions were made.

The science fiction comic fantasy, “Mars Attack,” will have portions of the film shot in Burns. The list of credits will include Jack Nicholson, Rod Steiger, Glenn Close, and Paul Winfield, all award-winning actors. Principal photography has already started in Los Angeles.

“Beary Special Babies” born at St. Luke Hospital during the past month include Megan Nicole Richmond born Jan. 30; Montana Leigh Cress, Feb. 15; James Wellington Jones, Feb. 15; Derrick Everett Ratzloff, Feb. 18; and Griffin Miller Case, Feb. 29.

A feature article by staff writer Rowena Plett tells how the Marcus Carlson family of rural Lincolnville survived when Carlson suddenly was laid flat on his back in the prime of his life.

The community of Peabody will offer a pioneer festival March 16 featuring early day quilting and heritage of the area.

Pictured is just a few of the unsavory characters who were tossed behind bars Thursday for the American Heart Association Cardiac Arrest event. Peeking out for the camera are Kym Smith, Kathy Swan, Matt Helmer, Susan Cooper, and Brenda Slifer. Participants raised $4,800 for heart disease research and education in Kansas.

Alex “Casey” and Nicki Case welcome their youngest son Griffin Miller Case Feb. 29, the first leap-year baby born at St. Luke Hospital. According to St. Luke Hospital medical records department, Griffin was the first Feb. 29 birth since Marion County Hospital District No. 1 took over operation of the hospital in 1968.

Last modified March 3, 2021