• Last modified 1420 days ago (March 31, 2021)


april 3, 1996

A group of eight German students met briefly Monday with Marion City Commission as members of the Committee for the Promotion for Youth Exchange, which brings students from Berlin to Marion for several days each year. The students are staying with host families.

Ecker-Fulkerson-Slifer Post 6958, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will observe the post’s 50th birthday with a dinner for members and auxiliary members April 13 at the post home.

Marion High School students Jamie Davis, Ray Helmer, Cy Prior, Carrie Darrow, Medea Fowler, Curtis Stephens, Shaun Craft, and Josh Wildin are pictured as they scrap and paint an empty building in downtown Marion as part of Community Service Day. Students and faculty spent the entire day completing service projects around town.

“Beary Special Babies” born at St. Luke Hospital during the month of March were Saje Elizabeth Bayes, born March 17; Matthew Austin Eickleberry, born March 17; Timothy Michael Vinduska, March 22; and Cassandra Lee Simpson, March 19.

Pictured are gymnasts Brooke Belle, Jessica Bernhardt, Kailey Castleberry, Chelsey Harmon, Katie Hett, Kelsie Penner, Erin Richmond, Briana Vogel, Sarah Williams, and Sydney Waner as they performed Friday during dress rehearsal for Mary Ann’s School of Dance 29th annual recital. Theme for the program is “The Muppet Show.”

Lincolnville firefighters and first responders attended the 13th annual training school provided by the State Capitol Area Firefighters Association March 14-17 in Topeka. Nearly 400 people attended the school headquartered at the Holiday Inn City Center.

Among those attending the school were fire chief Lester Kaiser, Barry Montgomery, David Kaiser, Jay Czarnowsky, Janet Jirak, Tim Porter, and EMT Kim Czarnowsky who is pictured far above the ground as she lowers herself and a victim during a training exercise.

Last modified March 31, 2021