• Last modified 1332 days ago (June 17, 2021)


june 19, 1996

In spite of intermittent wet weather during the past several weeks, following months of winter drought, farmers have been busy putting up hay. Damian Sitka is pictured as he is busy swathing alfalfa in a field west of Lincolnville.

More than 200 people gathered Monday evening at the site of the “lost spring” 2½ miles west of Lost Springs to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the Santa Fe Trail. The evening began with a meal catered by Al’s Café, followed by a program, and concluding with a sing-along led by Greg and Mary Beth Bowers.

Opal Winter has been named “resident of the month” for June at Hilltop Manor in Marion. Opal has no trouble keeping track of time. Her apartment features clocks in every room. She owns at least 23 of them and they all run.

Marion Elementary School teacher Crys Commerford has been named state and regional conservation teacher of the year.

Marv and Winnie Hartke’s music museum at 314 E. Main, Marion, has a new, eye-catching look. The storefront museum is doing its part to beautify Main Street by adding a colorful new sign. Jim Versch designed and constructed the sign, which was installed Thursday.

Marion County industrialist and rancher Jim Donahue joined the wagon train of the Santa Fe Trail ride Monday at Lost Springs. His team of four Belgian horses pulled the chuck wagon which fed a big crowd Tuesday night at Durham Crossing. His group of men, horses, and his chuck wagon will accompany the group to Canton.

Michael Padgett, president of Central National Bank at Hillsboro, completed the course in rural banking held last week on the campus of Kansas State University, Manhattan.

Last modified June 17, 2021