• Last modified 1178 days ago (Nov. 25, 2021)


november 27, 1996

Attorney Jim Kaup of Logan, Riley, Carlson, and Kaup presented a report Thursday to Marion County Planning Commission in response to an application from Browning Ferris Industries of Kansas to build a landfill southwest of Marion. The commission ultimately voted to recommend the application be denied.

Marion Chamber of Commerce members Doug Sharp, Roger Hannaford III, and Mike Classen are shown as they load up the charcoal grill Monday for the annual farm-city steak fry. More than 400 area farmers and ranchers attended the event.

Pictured is Centre High School principal Don Blome as he presents a certificate of appreciation from the University of Kansas to Bud Peterson for 25 years of service to Centre USD since August 1981.

Angel trees, with gift wishes from children in financially limited households in Marion and Centre unified school districts may be found in several locations. Each angel has a child’s age, sex, and gift wish. Gifts are to be returned to Marion Municipal Building by Dec. 10, unwrapped, with the angel attached. Families will pick up the gifts Dec. 14 at the VFW post home.

Florence Middle School students who exhibit responsibility, good grades, and good citizenship are eligible for a weekly incentive award. October and November winners recognized recently were Amanda Ewert, Heath Tajchman, Mark Hanson, Steven Waner, Amanda Hoffman, and Lacy Robertson.

Marion County Record editor Bill Meyer was in Germany last week on a trip sponsored by the German National Tourist Board and took advantage of the opportunity to visit longtime CPYE friends Ed Koch, who has been in Marion many times bringing exchange students, and Mathias Nitschke, an exchange student in 1982-85, who lived with Leo and Peggy Blackman and became popular in Marion.

Last modified Nov. 25, 2021