• Last modified 1126 days ago (Jan. 12, 2022)


january 15, 1997

Marion County officials were sworn in Monday in the district courtroom. District Judge Michael Powers conducted the installation of Second District Commissioner Linda Peterson, Third District Commissioner Jack Bruner, County Attorney Dan Baldwin, County Clerk Carol Maggard, Register of Deeds Faye Makovec, and Sheriff Dan Harper.

Troy Walker is the new facility finance director at St. Luke Hospital and Living Center. Walker comes to St. Luke from Greeley County Hospital in Tribune. He is a 1993 graduate of Kansas State University with a degree in business administration, majoring in accounting.

Don Hett, on his horse Chip, and Steve Glahn on his Honda four-wheeler, are pictured as they herd 850 sheep seven miles on 170th St. south of Marion to a wheat pasture. Most of the work was done by Bandit, a trained border collie. Tony, a Llama, also wandered in and out of the herd. The drive took five hours.

Four Marion High School graduates are continuing their academic and athletic experiences at Emporia State University.

Sophomore Aaron Reiswig and freshmen Jason Wheeler, Chuck Maggard, and Bill Griffith play for the Emporia State University “Hornets” football team.

The longtime teammates find college ball far more intense than high school, but they enjoy the challenge of helping the ESU team to become a football powerhouse.

Fresh meat specials at Carlsons’ Grocery this week include USDA Bottom Round Roast, $1.29 per pound; USDA Choice Bottom Round Steak, $1.39 per pound; USDA Choice Sirloin Tip Steak, $2.29 per pound; and Fresh Cube Steaks, $2.29 per pound.

Last modified Jan. 12, 2022