• Last modified 961 days ago (June 23, 2022)


july 8, 1992

Country music band Penn Central will perform at 7:30 p.m. Saturday on the Central Park stage as Summerfest ’92 continues.

Bill Burkholder, Marion rural mail carrier, has been recognized for 25 years of dedicated service to the U.S. Postal Service.

Double-ring marriage vows were exchanged May 30 by Amy Wirtz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Wirtz of Lost Springs, and Jim Gillett, son of Jane McCormick of Salina and the late James E. Gillett.

Rosse and Janice Case and their daughters and families attended a reunion of Socolofsky sisters June 28 to July 3 at Estes Park, Colorado.

Members of the Parent Advisory Council voted at their monthly meeting June 17 to purchase a video camera and tripod for Marion Elementary School.

Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks officer Marvin Peterson is pictured as he prepares for patrol duties at Marion Reservoir using one of 15 jet crafts lent by watercraft dealers from across the state. The small crafts are handy for officers checking licenses, registrations, and boater safety at all reservoirs in the state.

The Tampa ambulance crew has announced that a heart defibrillator for the ambulance is in place and that all crew members have been trained in its use. The crew deeply appreciates the support of the community in raising money for the equipment.

Last modified June 23, 2022