• Last modified 922 days ago (Aug. 4, 2022)


Aug. 19, 1992

The Toronto Sun, a major Canadian newspaper, featured Canada, Kansas, as part of a feature on United States communities named after the northern nation. The article appeared June 30. Two full-color photos appearing with the article were taken by Marion County Record photographer Matt Newhouse.

Pictured on the front page is assistant school superintendent Eugene Enos as he adds a fresh coat of paint to a weather-beaten flagpole in front of Marion High School. The annual chore requires a hydraulic lift to reach the top of the pole.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Darrow were hosts for a back-to-school breakfast on their deck Saturday morning. Guests were the Jim Darrow family, the Bill Darrow family, and Betty Mull.

Centre High School cheerleaders attended a National Cheerleaders Association summer camp at Fort Hays State University. Cougar cheerleader Meggan Silhan received top recognition by being selected for the group’s all-America squad. Her parents are Terry and Kathy Silhan of rural Marion.

Benard and Helen Stromberg of rural Florence are pictured with two of the almost two-pound tomatoes raised in their garden. Better Boy tomatoes have responded well to this summer’s wet weather, they say.

Tampa people are looking forward to a hog roast Saturday evening sponsored by Tampa State Bank.

Last modified Aug. 4, 2022