30 years ago
Dec. 23, 1992
Erna Mae Yeagley of Marion was honored by American Red Cross for donating 157 pints of blood, nearly 10 gallons. Yeagley was recognized Monday during a volunteer appreciation luncheon in Marion.
Tena Reid, new executive secretary for Marion Chamber of Commerce, was introduced Monday at the organization’s regular monthly meeting. Reid, a native of Marion and daughter of Charles and Helen Maggard, is a former billing clerk with the city of Marion.
Florence Middle School’s girls basketball team defeated Eureka 29-19 Thursday to stay undefeated in CVL junior league play. Scoring against Eureka were Melanie Cleeton, 15 points; Kathy Vantuyl, 11; Michele Davis, 2; and Lisa Zogelman, 1.
Winners of Centre Elementary School’s T-shirt design contest were fourth-grader Dustin Smith and fifth-grader Eric Carlson.
Dear Santa,
I would like a K-State pillow, Baby All Gone, potty baby, snow boots, Talking Battleship, jogging suit like mom’s, Splash ‘n Tan Kids, Pretty Pretty Crimp ‘n Curl, a keyboard, Wheel of Fortune, Mall Madness, Game Boy and tapes, Baby Tummy Talks, My Little Nursery, double play highchair, Magic Fax Machine, and a Porsche. P.S. I love you and will leave some cookies and milk.
Amanda Hoffman
Last modified Dec. 1, 2022