• Last modified 735 days ago (Feb. 9, 2023)


feb. 17, 1993

The weekend was cold but the sunshine bright, giving no indication of the winter storm that blew in early Monday. Howling winds built up deep drifts, and blowing snow reduced visibility to a few hundred yards.

The former Marion city power plant will become the new headquarters of KC Development, an oil well service company. Contracts were signed Monday, selling the building for $13,000.

Marion High School candidates for Queen of Courts are Jenny Hanson, Lisa Harbison, and Ashley Loomis. Escorts are Scott Dalrymple, Jason May, and Marty Teufel. The winner will be announced at the varsity boys basketball game Friday against Eureka.

Cynthia Woerz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woerz of Marion, has earned a doctor of medicine degree from the University of Kansas.

Marion County Catholics were informed at Mass this past weekend by a letter from Bishop Eugene Gerber that the Catholic church in Burns will close this summer, and the church in Tampa no longer will be the site of weekly Masses. Churches in Marion and Pilsen will see improvements in their buildings. The Florence church will be left as is.

Vickie Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Klassen of rural Marion, has been awarded free use of a pink Cadillac by Mary Kay Cosmetics. The award is in recognition of leadership and sales achievements.

Last modified Feb. 9, 2023