30 years ago
Feb. 24, 1993
Marion Kiwanis Club members had a 70th anniversary banquet Feb. 15. Because of bad weather, most out-of-town visitors had to cancel, but more than 50 local members and guests attended.
Jennifer Hanson was crowned Marion High School queen of courts during halftime ceremonies Friday in Marion gym. Jason May was elected king.
Western Associates of Marion was subject of a cover story in Monday’s “Prosper” section of the Wichita Eagle. Dave and Jim Crofoot, who operate the specialty advertising business, were quoted throughout. Forty years after John and Marian Crofoot founded a fledgling business in a cornfield on the edge of Cedar Point, it has become what the article termed “a giant” in the industry.
Michel Soyez has been selected as Marion High School’s student of the month by the faculty. His parents are Robert and Brenda Soyez of Marion. After graduation this May, Michel will attend Garden City Community College, pursuing a career in criminal justice.
Jason Stika of Lincolnville was named the January student of the month for the College of Agriculture at Kansas State University. He is a senior in animal sciences and industry. His parents are Eugene and Elaine Stika.
Last modified Feb. 15, 2023