30 years ago
may 12, 1993
More than a foot of rain the past two weeks has left Marion County and its residents wet, bedraggled, and a little frazzled. There were no tornadoes, though strong winds were reported in some parts of the county. Marion’s dike prevented heavy flooding in the downtown area, though runoff and backed–up sewers flooded basements throughout town.
Construction crews took advantage of a break in the weather Friday to put up the frame of a physical education building at Marion Elementary School. Construction, as at most site others in Marion County, has been slowed by heavy rains.
Carl Bass was elected May 3 to the Hall of Fame at an annual meeting and awards night of the Marion City Men’s Bowling Association. His name will be added to a plaque hanging at MarBowl Lanes.
Several members of the school staff received Service to Education awards from the University of Kansas during a school board meeting Monday night. Certificates were presented to Marion Ogden and Helen Reznicek for 25 years of service; Eileen Hiebert and Susan Reid for 20 years; Mary Jane Grimmett, Steve Janzen, Rosie Plenert, and Ed Seaman for 15 years each; and Vickie Martens, Don Molleker, and Bruce Rhodes, 10 years each.
Bruce Skiles announces the opening of his office for the practice of chiropractic at 537 S. Freeborn St., Marion.
Last modified May 4, 2023