30 years ago
july 14, 1993
The 100th anniversary of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Tampa, will be celebrated July 24 and 25. Events will begin at 6 p.m. July 24 with the ringing of the church’s old bell.
An addition to St. Luke Living Center is nearing completion. Furniture for the expansion is expected to arrive Friday, and residents are expected to move into the new rooms by next week. The 14-room expansion is fully booked.
Rex Savage was elected president of Marion’s board of education at a meeting Monday. Chris Costello was selected as vice president.
Construction of three regulation-size diamonds and a PeeWee diamond at Marion ball park has been delayed by an unusual amount of rain received this year. Estimated completion was December. Estimates now are that the diamonds should be done in early August unless rains continue.
Family reunions reported in this week’s issue include those of the descendants of Dietrich Rempel and Aganetha Bergman Rempel and Louis and Emilie Schmidt Pagenkopf and the Gooding and Burkholder families.
Erna Mae Yeagley thinks people must be getting tired of hearing about it, but the American Red Cross is proud she has donated 20 gallons of blood in her lifetime. Volunteer Donna Kreutziger is pictured giving Yeagley a pin at a blood drive Friday.
Last modified June 29, 2023