• Last modified 574 days ago (July 20, 2023)


july 28, 1993

Water was lapping last week against the top of tainter gates at Marion Reservoir when the Corps of Engineers opened them a few inches to begin a slow but steady controlled release into the swollen Cottonwood River. If there is no more rain, the release will continue until conservation pool is reached.

Residents started moving July 19 into the new wing at St. Luke Living Center. An open house is planned during Old Settlers weekend.

Family gatherings and reunions reported in this issue include the descendants of Orville and Nettie (Sill) Smith, relatives in the Pracht-Pratt and the Wm. Utech families, and descendants of Charles Heerey Sr. and Mary Heerey.

The Marion County Fair will run Aug. 4 through 7 at the fairgrounds in Hillsboro.

Michelle and Tyler Miesse of Marion are pictured as they display a half-pound carrot, this week’s entry in the Marion County Record produce derby. After posing for the photo, they confirmed the carrot was as tasty as it looks. Their mother, Laurie, said it was grown from “Duckwall’s 10-cent seed.”

Nita Archer has joined the medical staff at St. Luke Hospital as a physician’s assistant. A recent graduate of Wichita State University, Archer will work with physician Don Hodson in the clinic, hospital, and living center.

Rex and Vernolis Siebert will be hosts Aug. 9 for the Kansas Hereford Association at their Diamond X Ranch three miles west of Marion.

Last modified July 20, 2023