• Last modified 219 days ago (July 11, 2024)


July 20, 1994

Marion Manufacturing’s expanding business is why the firm is building an addition to its existing facility, according to Jack Richmond, president of the corporation. The addition will double the plant’s size from 10,000 square feet to 20,000.

A $400,000 grant from Kansas Department of Commerce will extend water service from Marion to Marion County Lake. More than 200 households have signed up to be included in the service.

Governor Joan Finney will be at Central Park in Marion at 7 p.m. July 27 for a non-political grassroots forum.

Morris Ehrlich and wife, Sue, are pictured as they relax on the front porch of their home in Marion. Ehrlich, who has spent his life terracing and doing soil work, is subject of Amy Pagenkopf’s continuing series, “They made a difference.”

The retirement of former Marion Cemetery sexton Harry Weibert will be publicly recognized 2 to 4 p.m. July 28 at a reception in his honor at Marion Municipal Building.

Last modified July 11, 2024