• Last modified 1439 days ago (March 4, 2021)


march 4, 1981

County employees received an across the board $50 per month pay increase Monday, the first cost of living raise approved since the new Marion County Commission took office in January.

Commission chairman Harold Jost, the only incumbent on the board, cautioned commissioners Charles DeForest and Earl Mueller to exercise control over raises now so that there will be money remaining for merit raises in July.

Pictured are Bill Olson and Ralph Kreutziger of Jost Construction Co. as they prepare the foundation at St. Luke Hospital’s new medical clinic for concrete pouring Monday morning.

Births announced in this issue include those of Joshua David Clark born Feb. 17 at Newton; Melanie Linn Magathan, Feb. 18, at Emporia; Rebecca Ann Glavin, Feb. 20, Hillsboro; Kyle Justin Gray, Feb. 21, Newton; and Stacy Ann Spachek, Feb. 24, Wichita.

Mrs. Larry Wedel, Durham, never thought to check under the hood of the family pickup for her missing Siamese cat. The pet was discovered Feb. 17 when a Hillsboro garage mechanic opened the truck’s hood for repair work on the engine. Except for a blanket of dirt, the cat looked no worse for wear, the mechanic said.

Paul Loney, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Loney of Marion, has been notified that he has been designated a “State of Kansas Scholar” by the Board of Regents of Kansas. Loney, a senior at Marion High school, intends to enroll at the University of Kansas.

Rehearsals continue this week for Saturday’s dinner-theatre performance, “Spoon River Anthology.” The annual event, presented by the Marion Community Arts Council, begins with dinner at the Marion City Building. Following the meal, the crowd will move to the auditorium for the performance.

Last modified March 4, 2021