40 years ago
August 5, 1981
Shown on the front page is Secretary of Agriculture John Block as he welcomed Ron Wineinger of Marion to the nation’s capital for the weeklong conference of state FFA presidents.
The FFA group was paid a surprise visit Thursday morning by President Ronald Reagan following a talk by Vice President George Bush in the White House Garden.
Ruth Zinn has sold her mercantile store and café at Lost Springs after 11½ years of serving the public at that location. The new owners, Garland and Barbara Cook of Lost Springs have re-named the business “The Cook Shack.”
Pictured on the front page are Kansas Highway Patrol Trooper Frank Boyle and Robert Craft, who is in training to become a trooper. Boyle will be breaking in Craft during the next six weeks until he returns to Salina for another six-week session. Craft will eventually be stationed in Marion.
Fifteen-year-old Noriko Ono of Osaka, Japan, is visiting America through a 4-H exchange program and is staying at the Gerry Harris home in Marion.
Ono has taken four years of English in school and understands a lot of what is said however much time is spent with a language dictionary between her and her host sister, Tammy Harris.
Recent rains have boosted Produce Derby entries. Pictured is Mrs. George Vinduska as she displays a nine-pound cantaloupe grown in her Pilsen garden; Lilly and Lucy Guerrra as they share in the glory of growing their own 1¼-pound tomato; and Ramie, 4, and Nikki, 2, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bina of Lincolnville, as they hold two 2½-pound tomatoes and a 2¾-pound tomato they took care of while their grandfather, Ezra Helmer of Marion, was on vacation.
Last modified Aug. 5, 2021