• Last modified 1227 days ago (Sept. 30, 2021)


september 30, 1981

Mother Nature smiled on the old settlers again in the form of another perfect September day for the annual event. The 70th Old Settlers’ Day at Marion, with a crowd estimated at 10,000, was a success from start to finish.

Gov. John Carlin led the public officials in a bright red restored Dodge convertible. Other governmental dignitaries in the parade included Mayor Peggy Blackman, city commissioners Larry Loomis, and Lester Henderson, State Representative Bill Novak, and State Senator Jerry Karr.

Cindy Heerey was crowned FFA sweetheart Friday night at halftime of the Warriors game with Chase County. Her escort was Jim Padgett.

The city of Marion received a letter this week from the newly formed Kansas Water Office (KWO) stating that they are “now ready to resume negotiations” to sell water from Marion Lake.

A microwave school being sponsored by the Marion County Agricultural Extension Council will be held four Wednesdays during October. Judy Christensen will teach the course at Lynn’s Farm Equipment. Owners and non-owners are urged to attend.

Amy Raleigh, daughter of Bob and Sharon Raleigh of Route 2, Marion, was the winner of a new bicycle awarded this week by Quality Market. The bike was a prize offered in connection with a promotion on large bottles of 7-Up, RC Cola, and root beer.

Pictured is what residents of the 400 and 500 blocks of North Freeborn have the waiting for — a newly black-topped street complete with curb and gutter. The same two blocks on North Roosevelt are also under construction this fall.

Last modified Sept. 30, 2021